4 simple steps to becoming your greatest version in 2018
Feb 21, 2018G'day all,
Welcome to Soultrain!
I’m Erin Osei, head coach of Soultrain. Were we upgrade lives by creating game plans across the high performance pillars of Mindset, Nutrition, Movement and Recovery.
My primary focus for the last 6 years has been how to optimise training, psychology, nutrition, and recovery to help successful, time poor professionals look, feel and perform at their best, without spending more than 4 hours in the gym each week. So they can actually do all the stuff they say they want to do: start and grow a business, become more effective with their time, and find more balance in their life.
I believe if you build a body you’re proud of, the positive results will bleed into the rest of your life. Build high performance habits across all 4 pillars - Mindset, nutrition, movement and recovery… well this is how you truly become your greatest version.
In today's blog I’d like to share with you how we help our clients actually do this... our Soultrain Accelerator Roadmap guides you through every step of the process.
Let's take a quick dive into each component:
Phase 01 - Preparation
This Preparation Phase was designed to be the most effective primer for ANY human performance system with fat loss and body remodeling in mind. It’s purpose, to have body and mind primed for optimal performance from day one, so you can hit the ground running as soon as you enter the gym.
Key elements:
Phase 02 - Analysis
You're on a hero’s journey to becoming your greatest version. But you can’t start your journey if you don’t have a destination. And it’s hard to determine the best road to travel to your destination if you don’t know where you are right here, right now.
Where are you right now in terms of body composition, strength and fitness? What is your POINT A?
The Analysis Phase will give us the answers to this question.
Key elements:
Phase 03 - Strategy
If you want to look, feel, and perform at your best you need a powerful formula, something to organise your efforts. That’s why it’s important to spend some time initially defining and setting the right kind of goals – your destination – POINT B.
It’s also important to develop the tools needed to create or regain intrinsic motivation, whilst building self-efficacy and resilience.
Key elements:
Phase 04 - Activation
This is where your journey begins: You’ll hit the gym completing 2-3 body remodeling and 2-3 high intensity sweat/abs training sessions; execute daily nutrition lessons and tasks; and implement multiple behaviour upgrade and recovery strategies.
3x one-month meso-cycles will be completed before we go back to the Analysis Phase and do it all again... Re-test, set new 90 day goals, then hit the gym!
So there you have it, our complete signature system. It has been specifically created to help successful, time poor professionals (just like you) look, feel and perform at their best, without spending more than 4 hours in the gym each week.
Over the coming weeks and months we'll be sharing all our best tricks, tips and advice to help you build high performance habits needed to out performance yourself in 2018.
Enjoy the rest of your week,
Erin Osei
Human Performance Specialist