8 practices for waking up to your higher self at work
Mar 12, 2018G'day all,
01 Intention
What is your intention?
This is a powerful question to ask at the start of everyday. Knowing the answer to this can inspire us to do our best and give us clarity when we need it.
It's also a great question to ask when communing via email, in a meeting or in general conversation - if we can consider what drives our responses we may choose to respond more wisely.
02 Breathe into your body
Whenever you're feeling flustered throughout the day take a moment to tune in with your breath and body. This can help settle the mind a give you the space to reconnect to your intention and equanimity.
03 Open your eyes to open your mind
Often we get tunnel vision when we are working on something intensely. If we're in state of flow this can be very helpful but if we find ourselves stressed, in a loop or mental block looking up and expanding our vision is a way of easing the tension and giving us some space. Try to look long and far and let your peripheral vision expand - this simple act of opening our eyes can help to open our mind.
04 Empathise
One aspect of work stress is often how we relate to others. By practicing empathy toward difficult work colleagues, understanding that when they cause you or another suffering deep down they suffer to. Hard as sometimes seems to do wishing them happiness and peace can often free you of the weight of holding a grudge or ill feelings.
05 Tune-in
Through out the day check in with yourself - what am I thinking? Feeling? Sensing? Increased self awareness empowers you to respond wisely rather than reacting impulsively.
06 "Beginners mind"
One of the foundational attitude of mindfullness. By approaching each situation as though brand new we give our life a sense of freshness and are protected from projecting our memories of the past onto the present.
This doesn't mean ignoring what we've learned rather being open to what is so we can apply our wisdom to each situation with out being clouded by stories from the past.
07 Be Present
In the book flow - psychologist MC, discovered that people are most happy when they are fully present and focused wholeheartedly at the task at hand. While this is a difficult feat to manage for the whole day by practicing being fully present and engaged as often as possible we give ourselves the best chance of slipping into flow more often.
08 Mindful Eating/Drinking
When you stop for a coffee break, for lunch, or a snack take some time to really savour the experience. Direct your focus to your senses, one at a time. Allow the sensory journey to bring you back to your senses.
Make the rest of your life the best of your life,
Coach -
Billy Telfer
Soultrain Human Performance Specialist
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